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Gender and economy - 20 years after Beijing

Publication date 26.11.2015 11.16 | Published in English on 26.11.2015 at 13.02
Type:Press release

This seminar celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Beijing platform for Action. The seminar discusses gender and economy, and develops methods for gender budgeting. Different gender budgeting models will be presented and compared between experts from different countries.

Place: The Finnish Parliament, Pikkuparlamentti auditorium

Arkadiankatu 3, Helsinki

Time: Wednesday, December 2, 2015, 9.00-14.00

Organizers: Employment and Equality Committee, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Council for Gender Equality, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, The UN Association of Finland, Sukupuolentutkimus – Genusforskning journal

Target groups: Members of Parliament, State and Municipal Officials, Experts, the Media, and everyone interested in the topic.

The seminar languages are Finnish and English. The presentations will be interpreted into English/Finnish.


http://videonet.fi/stm/sukupuoli-ja-talous/ (Finnish)

http://videonet.fi/stm/gender-and-economy/ (English)

Moderator: Hanna Onwen-Huma, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health



8.30-9.00 Coffee

9.00-9.10 Opening

Sari Raassina, Chair, Council for Gender Equality (TANE)

9.10-11.30 Examples of Gender budgeting

Gender budgeting

Emilia Reyes, Co-chair of Women’s Major Group, Coordinator, Area of Gender Policies and Budgets, Equidad de Género, Mexico

Anni Lammila, Ambassador for Equality Issues, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Gender budgeting in the Finnish state budgeting

Annamari Asikainen, Senior officer, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Elina Pylkkänen, Senior Financial Adviser, Ministry of Finance

State budget and gender aspects in the social benefit system

Kirsi-Marja Lehtelä, Senior Planning Officer, National Institute for Health and Welfare

Experiences from gender budgeting in the City of Vantaa

Meija Tuominen, Planning Officer, City of Vantaa

Gender budgeting in Sweden

Elisabeth White, Deputy Director, Government Offices of Sweden

Lina Nilsson, Desk Officer, Government Offices of Sweden


Anna Elomäki, Sukupuolentutkimus-Genusforskning journal


11.30-12.30 Lunch

12.30-14.00 Perspectives on Gender and Economy

The Gender Impact of the Economic Crisis

Niklas Bruun, professor, Hanken School of Economics, Member of the CEDAW Committee

Public spending cuts require strict gender impact assessment

Tarja Filatov, Member of Parliament, Chair, Employment and Equality Committee

Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016: Transforming Economies, Realizing Rights

Elina Multanen, Executive Director, Finland National Committee for UN Women



Gender budgeting workshop

After the seminar a workshop on gender budgeting will be arranged. The leader of the workshop is gender budgeting expert Emilia Reyes, Co-chair of Women’s Major Group and Coordinator, Area of Gender Policies and Budgets, Equidad de Género, Mexico. The workshop is primarily intended for state and municipal officials responsible for budgeting, as well as NGOs and researchers. NB! Registration required.

Place: Pääposti, Postimestari hall, Mannerheiminaukio 1 B, Helsinki

Time: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 15.00–17.00

Registration: veera.vehkasalo(a)ykliitto.fi
