Subcommittee on Men and Gender Equality
All genders benefit from equality and the dismantling of confined gender roles. The Council for Gender Equality’s Subcommittee on Men and Gender Equality deals, in particular, with gender equality issues related to boys and men. The subcommittee serves as a forum for meeting and cooperation between experts.
The main tasks of the subcommittee include:
- acting as a catalyst for discussion on men’s equality policy
- taking initiatives
- developing cooperation with actors working with men and boys
- follow current research on boys, men and masculinities.
The Subcommittee on Men and Gender Equality has operated continuously since 1988.
12th Subcommittee on Men and Gender Equality (2019-2023)
- Puheenjohtaja: Tuomas Kurttila (Social Democratic Party of Finland)
- Varapuheenjohtaja: Ukko Bamberg (Finns Party)
- Jussi Junni (Green League)
- Henri Kontkin (National Coalition Party)
- Lauri Nikula (Centre Party)
Permanent advisory bodies
- The Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters: Jussi Pullin (Aki Siltaniemi)
- Miehet – Män – Men ry: Ville Savonlahti (Juha Seppä)
- The Central Association for Men´s Organizations in Finland: Antti Alén (Joonas Kekkonen)
- Miessakit Association: Tomi Timperi (Timo Syrjälä)
- Monimuotoiset perheet – Diverse Families network: Tiina-Emilia Kaunisto (Emma Kolu)
- The Coalition of Finnish Women’s Associations NYTKIS: Mervi Mäki-Neste (Mira Karjalainen)
- Poikien Talo: Veli-Pekka Kilpala (Kimmo Saastamoinen)
- Seta – LGBTI Rights in Finland: Niilo Ciriaco (Pekka Rantala)
- Finnish Association for Men’s Studies (SuMS): Jiri Nieminen (Henri Hyvönen)
- the Family Federation of Finland / Boys' Phone (Poikien Puhelin): Antti Lahtinen (Mikko Kuronen)
Updated on 3 Feb 2025
Will be updated
The thematic priorities of the Subcommittee for Men and Gender Equality during the current term are:
Family, leisure time and working life
- the family leave reform, increasing the number of family leaves used by fathers
- conscription and national defence (active participation especially in the debate held by the Parliamentary Committee)
- shared custody in families with divorced parents and forms of support
- men and the Internet
Education and research
- gender-based segregation in educational and vocational fields
- gender-based learning differences
- strengthening the status of men's studies in Finland
Gender-based violence
- men's agency in work to prevent violence
- men as victims of violence
Diverse masculinity
- men and health
- the status of boys and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Finland
- gender equality problems in particular among vulnerable men and other population groups (multiple discrimination)
The subcommittee aims to promote the mainstreaming of gender equality work from a male perspective in a broader context in the organisation field and work in cooperation with the council and stakeholders to ensure that the Government promotes equality for boys and men on the basis of the recommendations of the men’s working group.
The subcommittee monitors the preparation of key reforms from the gender perspective and, if necessary, submits proposals to the council for events and working groups related to current social reforms.
Intersectionality and multiple discrimination are taken into account in all of the subcommittee’s activities.
History of the Subcommittee on Men and Gender Equality
In 1986, the Council for Gender Equality established a men's studies research group. The groups’ task was to survey men's studies conducted in Finland, consider what studies should still be conducted in relation to the status, roles and image of men, and consider what related themes could be highlighted in societal discussion.
The first Subcommittee on Men and Gender Equality was established in 1988 as a follow-up to the work of the men’s studies research group. Key themes discussed by the Subcommittee include gender equality, paternity, working life, men’s studies, and violence.
By international comparisons, the Subcommittee on Men and Gender Equality is presumably the longest continuously operating advisory body to look at gender equality from the perspective of men.
The history of the men’s subcommittee has been compiled in a publication written in Finnish:
Tasa-arvoasiain neuvottelukunnan miestyön historia 1988-2006File opens in a new tab (PDF), TANE-monisteita 7/2006
Chairs of the Subcommittee on Men and Gender Equality
- Jorma Hentilä 1988–1989
- Antero Honkasalo 1988–1992
- Tapani Kaakkuriniemi 1992–1995
- Jorma Kukkonen 1996–1998
- Anders Brunberg 1999–2001
- Tapio Pekkola 2002–2003
- Tapio Pekkola 2004–2007 (Mies- ja mediajaosto)
- Kari Uotila 2007–2011, 2011–2015
- Jirka Hakala 2015–2019
- Matias Mäkynen 2019–2023
- Tuomas Kurttila 2023–